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E-commerce Phishing Attack Cybersecurity

E-commerce and Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know

The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way we shop, but it has also made online businesses prime targets for cybercriminals. Whether you’re a creative digital agency managing Shopify stores or a large retailer with a significant online presence, cybersecurity is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. This blog answers key questions about e-commerce security, explores recent cyberattacks on major online businesses, and shows how Enterprise Defence can help protect your digital storefront.


The average time to detect and contain a data breach for e-commerce websites is 280 days. – GITNUX REPORT 2024

E-commerce Phishing Attack Cybersecurity

What Are the Most Common Financial Frauds in E-Commerce?

Financial fraud is one of the most pressing threats in the e-commerce world. Two of the most prevalent forms are credit card fraud and refund scams.

Credit Card Fraud: This occurs when cybercriminals use stolen credit card information to make unauthorised purchases. A common red flag is when the billing and shipping addresses don’t match.
Fake Return & Refund Fraud: Fraudsters may exploit your return policy by claiming refunds for items they didn’t purchase or never received. This not only leads to lost revenue but also damages your reputation.

How Can I Protect My Customers from Phishing Attacks?

Phishing attacks deceive your customers into giving away sensitive information by pretending to be your legitimate business. These attacks are particularly damaging as they can erode trust in your brand.

Solution: Educate your customers on how to recognise phishing attempts, such as fake emails or misleading links. Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain unauthorised access.

E-commerce is the third most targeted industry for phishing attacks – GITNUX REPORT 2024

What Are the Risks of Spamming for E-Commerce Sites?

Spamming goes beyond just being an annoyance; it can introduce harmful links and malware into your site, compromising security and slowing down your website’s performance.

  • Solution: Use robust spam filters and regularly review comments and messages on your site to remove any suspicious content. This helps maintain your site’s security and ensures a smooth shopping experience for your customers.

How Do DDoS Attacks Affect My E-Commerce Store?

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks flood your website with fake traffic, causing it to crash and become inaccessible to legitimate customers. This can lead to significant financial losses and damage your brand’s reputation.

  • Solution: Implement network security measures that detect and mitigate these attacks before they can cause major disruptions. This ensures your site remains available to real customers, even during an attack.

What Is Malware, and How Does It Threaten My E-Commerce Business?

Malware, including viruses, spyware, and ransomware, poses a serious threat to e-commerce businesses by infiltrating systems, stealing data, or disrupting operations.

  • Solution: Regularly scan your systems with anti-malware software to detect and remove any malicious programs. Educating your employees on how to recognise potential threats can also significantly reduce the risk of malware infections.
Malware Attack E-commerce Cybersecurity

How Can I Prevent Exploitation of Known Vulnerabilities?

Hackers often exploit vulnerabilities like SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) to gain unauthorised access to your website’s data.

  • SQL Injection (SQLi): Attackers insert malicious code into your database through input fields on your website.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): Attackers use XSS to inject harmful scripts into your site, potentially stealing customer data or performing unauthorised actions.

What Are Bots, and How Do They Affect My E-Commerce Site?

Malicious bots can scrape your site for data, overload it with traffic, or even steal customer information, leading to unfair competition and reduced performance.

  • Solution: Implement bot management tools that identify and block harmful bots while allowing legitimate users through. This protects your data and ensures your site runs smoothly.

How Do Brute Force Attacks Work?

Brute force attacks involve hackers using automated tools to guess your passwords until they find the correct one. This can lead to unauthorised access to sensitive areas of your website.

  • Solution: Use strong, complex passwords and change them regularly. Implementing account lockout mechanisms after several failed login attempts can also help prevent unauthorised access.

What Are Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks, and How Can I Prevent Them?

MITM attacks occur when hackers intercept the communication between your site and your customers, stealing sensitive data during the transaction process.

  • Solution: Secure all communications with SSL/TLS certificates, which encrypt data as it’s transmitted, ensuring it remains protected even if intercepted. Encourage customers to avoid using public Wi-Fi for transactions to reduce the risk of these attacks.

What Is E-Skimming, and How Does It Impact My E-Commerce Store?

E-skimming involves cybercriminals inserting malicious code into your checkout pages, stealing customers’ payment information during transactions.

  • Solution: Regularly update your site’s security patches and use secure payment gateways to handle transactions. Continuously monitor your checkout process for any unauthorised changes to keep customer data safe.

Macys Shop

Recent E-Commerce Cyberattacks:

E-commerce platforms of all sizes are under constant threat from cyberattacks. Here are some recent examples that highlight the ongoing risks:

  • The Honda E-commerce Platform Attack (2023) – Honda’s power equipment, lawn, garden, and marine products commerce platform contained an API flaw that enabled anyone to request a password reset for any account.
  • Ticketmaster (2024) – In one of the most high profile breaches linked to the Snowflake attack, over half a billion Ticketmaster customers had their information leaked on the dark web. Data, including full names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and order history, was put up for sale on a hacking forum.
  • Macy’s E-Commerce Site Hacked (2019) – Department store giant Macy’s says hackers successfully infiltrated its e-commerce site and stole customer data, including financial information.
  • Magento (2019)Magento 2 stores were the targets of a hack attempt wherein hackers exploited an SQL injection vulnerability in the Magento CMS. Through this exploit, hackers gained access to take over unpatched and vulnerable sites.

These incidents show the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for e-commerce businesses. Without proper protection, the consequences can be devastating.

How Enterprise Defence Can Help Secure Your E-Commerce Platform

Enterprise Defence offers a comprehensive suite of services specifically designed to protect e-commerce businesses from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Here’s how each of our solutions applies to securing your e-commerce platform:

Managed SOC Services: 24/7 Vigilance for Your E-Commerce Site

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, cyber threats can strike at any time, often without warning. Our Managed SOC (Security Operations Center) Services provide around-the-clock monitoring to ensure that your website is always protected. By continuously scanning your site for unusual activity, our experts can quickly detect and neutralise threats before they escalate. This service is particularly crucial for e-commerce platforms, where even a few minutes of downtime can result in lost sales and customer trust.

  • Application to E-Commerce: Managed SOC ensures that your online store remains operational and secure, safeguarding transactions and protecting sensitive customer data 24/7.

Penetration Testing: Uncover and Fix Security Gaps

Cybercriminals are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities in e-commerce websites that they can exploit. Our Penetration Testing services simulate these attacks, allowing us to identify weak points in your security before hackers can find them. By understanding where your defences might fail, you can take proactive steps to strengthen them, protecting your business from potential breaches.

  • Application to E-Commerce: Regular penetration testing helps ensure that your e-commerce platform remains secure against new and emerging threats, maintaining customer confidence and protecting your revenue.
DNS Tunneling Spam Emails

RansomCare (RC): The Last Line of Defence Against Ransomware

Ransomware attacks can bring an e-commerce business to its knees, encrypting critical data and demanding hefty ransoms for its release. RansomCare (RC) is our specialised solution for detecting and stopping ransomware in its tracks. It monitors your systems for suspicious activity, isolating affected devices and preventing the spread of the attack, ensuring your data remains safe.

  • Application to E-Commerce: With RansomCare, you have a critical safety net that protects your business from catastrophic data loss, ensuring that your operations can continue without interruption.

Managed WAF: Protect Your Web Applications from Cyber Threats

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are essential for e-commerce sites, which are often targeted by attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Our Managed WAF services provide robust protection by filtering and monitoring traffic to your site. This not only blocks malicious attacks but also ensures that legitimate traffic is not inadvertently blocked, preserving your site’s user experience.

  • Application to E-Commerce: Managed WAF protects your site’s integrity by preventing data breaches, maintaining the security of customer transactions, and ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

Vulnerability Management Services: Stay Ahead of Cybercriminals

E-commerce platforms are constantly evolving, and so are the threats they face. Our Vulnerability Management Services involve regular, thorough scans of your IT infrastructure to identify and prioritise potential vulnerabilities. By addressing these issues promptly, you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, reducing the risk of an attack.

  • Application to E-Commerce: Regular vulnerability assessments keep your site secure and compliant with industry standards, protecting your brand reputation and ensuring customer trust.

Managed Firewall: Your First Line of Defence Against Cyber Threats

A firewall is often the first barrier between your e-commerce site and potential attackers. However, managing and configuring firewalls to effectively block threats while allowing legitimate traffic is a complex task. Our Managed Firewall services ensure that your firewall is always optimised and up-to-date, providing robust protection against unauthorised access.

  • Application to E-Commerce: A well-managed firewall is critical for protecting your e-commerce platform from intrusions, safeguarding customer data, and ensuring that your site remains secure and operational.

Each of these services is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by e-commerce businesses. By partnering with Enterprise Defence, you can ensure that your online store is protected against the full spectrum of cyber threats, allowing you to focus on growing your business with confidence.

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