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Is Your Organisation Wasting Money on Cyber Insurance?

Cyber insurance is an essential safety net for businesses, but without the right security measures, your policy might not protect you when you need it most. Similar to employer liability insurance, cyber insurance policies require you to meet certain security standards. Failing to do so could leave your business vulnerable when attempting to make a claim.

Understanding the Cyber Insurance Landscape

Cyber insurance, also known as cyber liability insurance, is still a relatively new type of policy. In the early 2000s, it was an extension to existing policies, but as cyber threats evolved, dedicated policies became necessary. A 2021 UK study from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) found that:

  • 65% of businesses experienced a cyber-attack in the previous year.
  • 35% faced operational disruption post-breach.
  • 83% of attacks were caused by phishing.
  • Ransomware attacks doubled in the UK.

The average ransomware demand ranges between €18k and €21k, but a staggering 73% of companies never recover their data, even after paying.

What Does Cyber Insurance Cover?

Cyber insurance policies vary, but typical policies cover the costs of first and third-party impacts of a cyber-attack.

Coverage usually includes costs associated with:

  • Investigation: investigating a cybercrime
  • Data recovery: recovering data lost during a security breach
  • Restoration: recovering affected computer systems
  • Loss of income: Business Interruption caused by business shutdown during an attack (e.g., the impact of a ransomware or DDoS attack)
  • Ransom payment: ransom demands from hackers
  • Breach notification costs: notifying authorities and customers about a breach.
  • Reputation management: managing the fallout effect on a company’s brand post-breach.
  • Human error: costs associated with mistakes that result in a data breach or IT failure

Cyber insurance will cover the costs of a cyber-attack if robust measures of protection are in place at the time a policy is taken out. Importantly, these measures must continue to prevent cyber-attacks, even as the threat landscape changes.

It is also worth noting that the financial costs of a cyber-attack are not the only adverse impact: employee morale, sacking of staff, and even share price can be affected.

How Accurate is Your Cyber Risk Assessment?

It is a condition of a cyber policy that certain security measures are in place: the importance of this was recently mentioned in an interview of insurer AIG:

If [clients] have very, very low controls, then we may not write coverage at all.”

Just like robust door locks or health and safety measures, existing cybersecurity protection is a requirement of a cyber insurance policy.

When an organisation wishes to purchase cyber liability insurance, the insurers will often carry out a cyber insurance risk assessment before underwriting the policy. The detail of this risk assessment is dependent on the policy required and the company size. Smaller companies might only need to answer a questionnaire, but larger organisations may be assessed by a specialist firm that will examine their cybersecurity posture in detail. This proof of a robust cyber security posture is not a one-off exercise, continuous upkeep of security measures is expected. If a cyber-attack occurs and it can be shown that this was due to a security patch not being applied promptly, or anti-malware protection updates not being applied, or a lag in security awareness training, etc., a policy could be invalidated.

Cybersecurity Measures Required by Cyber Insurance

Cybersecurity measures are most effective when they are layered across the entire organisation and the people that use it: cybercriminals often find ways to circumvent technology by using social engineering, so our staff are as important a part of a robust cybersecurity policy as malware protection. Best practices recognize that security is not only reliant on technologies like anti-virus but covers ‘people, processes, and technology’. Also, a robust cybersecurity posture is a continuous process to keep ahead of the cybercriminal.

There are some basics that any company, no matter what size, should have as a foundation for security.


Social engineering and phishing focus on the people aspects of cyber-attacks. Employees are often tricked into clicking malicious links or downloading infected attachments. Crimes such as Business Email Compromise (BEC), often involve little if any technical compromise, instead, focusing on tricking an employee into sending company money to a hacker’s account. Crimes such as BEC cost companies around $2 billion (£1.3 billion) per year. Accidental data exposure is also a cyber risk, which is dependent on the people in your organisation. Security awareness training programs and simulated phishing exercises are used successfully to educate employees about the risks of cybercrime and how to be watchful for phishing and other scams.


The cybersecurity strategy of an organisation is vital in implementing effective cyber security. The processes that underlie this involve how data is governed and managed, policies and procedures in dealing with threats and mitigation of attacks, as well as how the company manages third party vendors.


In terms of technology, a cyber insurance policy assessment would look to see if the following basic areas of protection were in place:

  1. Endpoint protection: corporate and personal devices used for corporate resource access, including mobile, laptops, tablets, printers, etc. Endpoint protection comes in many forms from basic anti-virus to more sophisticated Endpoint Detection and Prevention (EDR) against malware infection.
  2. Robust authentication: phishing is a popular method used to steal passwords and other data. By adding in extra layers of authentication, such as a second factor, phishing attacks can be prevented.
  3. Secure ransomware proof backup: having a secure system in place to minimise the disruption from a ransomware attack.

Where Does Cyber Insurance Fit In?

Cyber insurance policies may pay out against financial losses, but the loss of data or IT failure can have a far-reaching impact that financial compensation does not cover. Instead, cyber insurance should be used as an extension to cybersecurity policies and measures that protect your business from cybercriminal exploitation and accidental data exposure. Without having robust, regularly updated, security measures across your technical real estate, people, and processes, you leave your organisation open to cybercriminals.

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